Technical Writing Skills

Wrap up

I've highlighted several types of skills I think a good technical writer should have, including:

Well, you may think this is a lot to learn. Luckily, you can learn most of the skills I've talked about either in school or on the job. As with any skill, the more you practice, the better you become. If you're not a technical writer yet, now is a good time to start practicing. If you are a technical writer, then don't stop practicing. You can always improve your skill-set.

The bottom line is you need skills that will appeal to potential employers. I lucked out because my first boss believed I had the necessary raw talent to make up for my lack of skills. He was right, of course, and I've been producing great stuff ever since. :-) However, you might not be so lucky. A comprehensive skill-set will get you noticed and get you in the door.

If you have comments or additions for this article, contact me using the link below.


Hokum Writing