Technical Writing Skills

Software skills

You'll be using a variety of software to do your job. While the market for software is pretty large, you'll generally be using the same software no matter where you work. You should have some understand and/or experience with the following:

These are the most common software skills requirements I've seen on the job boards. While I mention these software packages specifically, you should realize that an employer may or may not need you to know any of these.

There are several ways you can pick up the software skills you need. If you're a student, take advantage of student pricing on software. Many software companies offer their products at drastically discounted rates for students. Take advantage of their offers now and begin learning. You can also download demo versions of most software. Take advantage of online tutorials and forums that focus on the software you want to learn. The web is an amazing resource for information. Finally, you can buy third-party books that teach the software you want to know.


Hokum Writing