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Ulama Book By Roberto Rochin


What's new in the Ulama world?

Roberto Rochin, one of Mexico's best known film directors and creator of the classic film "Ulama: the game of life and death ", is digitalizing  the original version . Contact him at: rocamotion@aol.com

Ulama took part in the  Fazination Fussball, a event organized by the Hamburg Museum of History and part of the celebrations corresponding to the World Football Cup 2006 in Germany

Interested in Fieldwork? Contact us and we will arrange a visit to ball-playing communities, transportation, classroom, hotel, etc. During 2003, Cal State University in Los Angeles took part in such a  fieldwork and it proved an unforgetable experience for professors and students. ( more on www.calstatela.edu/academic/anthro/jbrady/ulama/proyectoulama.htm)

Ulama and Los Llanitos in the September 2003  issue of Archaeology Magazine,  Cover story   and lead article by Colleen Popson ( www.archaeology.org)

Ball-making skills are recovered. Thanks to a program sponsored by the University of Zurich and Cal State University in Los Angeles together with the Mazatlan Historic Society, rubber balls are again being produced and given to the ulama-playing communities consisting of Los Llanitos, La Sabila, La Mora Escarbada, Villa Union, El Habal, Puerto de Canoas, Rosario and El Quelite. Jesus Paez of Los Llanitos has been key in this effort as well as  Chuy Gomez R.

Thanks to the generous support from Swiss, American and Mexican donors, the children of los Llanitos received loincloth or fajado( deer leather used to protect the hip).Los Llanitos now has more than twenty children, as young as six years old, that play ulama.

A Ulama festival took place in Mazatlan during April , 2002 and again in 2003. Games took place in Los Llanitos, Sinaloa with conferences in Mazatlan. The event was a success and included hip,arm and mazo ulama.
The next International Congress/ festival to take place soon. Information at horizonam@bluewin.ch

Below: Jesus, age 6, receiving the ball