The Tech Writer Revealed


A majority of the literature that examines technical writer play details a gravitation towards reading, writing and wordplay. The more technically-minded of the subspecies often maintain web sites that focus on, not surprisingly, writing. Moreover many have noted the technical writer's aspirations to be published in its chosen genre of fiction; science fiction one of the more popular choices.

The technical writer likes to learn new things. It often has a field of study it enjoys learning, such as philosophy, history linguistics or astronomy.

While mental acumen is a top priority for the technical writer, the species also displays a taste for the out doors. Many observers have spotted technical writers participating in such activities as camping, hiking and gardening. These activities demonstrate a general respect for nature, something that is not present in other species of corporate human. Several observers have also documented the technical writer swimming and doing yoga.

The technical writer is a restless creature. Researchers who have lived among technical writers for any length of time have noted the creature's desire for travel. This desire is no doubt a result of the creature's drive to learn new things and enjoy new experiences. Many observers have spotted the technical writer carrying travel guides detailing its favorite destinations, despite the fact that its salary does not allow for such adventures.

Many authors have also noted that the technical writer enjoys games of just about any sort. Technical writers have been spotted engrossed in role-playing, miniature combat, board gaming, computer gaming and the like. Most of these games require intellectual strength, imagination and creativity.


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