The Tech Writer Revealed


The technical writer possesses a liberal arts education in English. Some instances of other degrees, such as anthropology, journalism, communications and even engineering, have also been cited in the literature (Sac STC, 2002). Some technical writers attain graduate-level degrees in English, while others attain training, certification or associate degrees in a variety of topics and fields, generally relating to their work.

The technical writer has a talent for and love of learning. On many occasions, researchers observed technical writers learning complex tools with no explanation of the tool's purpose or use. This talent for learning pervades the life of the technical writer, as evidenced by the number of degrees and certificates that many technical writers attain and by its love for reading. The technical writer also has a talent for investigation and research. It uses this talent to gather the information it needs to complete its tasks and to feed its own appetite for learning. Part of its investigative abilities include a knack for interrogating other subspecies in the corporate group, especially those who possess highly specialized knowledge.

Not only can the technical writer learn, it can also teach. Many observers have noted that technical writers are adept at distilling the cryptic data it gathers into easily accessible information anyone can use. This cognitive ability is unique among the corporate group. Part of the technical writer's ability to teach is no doubt tied in with its love of words and communication.


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