Evaluating Web Sites

How well is the information presented?

Have you ever been to a web site that just plain looked bad? What about a site where you couldn't find your way around? How about sites that were riddled with spelling mistakes or grammatical errors? All of these are good reasons to reconsider the value of a web site.

The main concern is that if the creators of a web site are willing to cut corners on how they are presenting their information, they are also probably willing to cut corners on the accuracy of the information they're presenting too. If the creators can't manage simple issues such as spelling (which can be taken care of with a simple spell check), can they really be trusted to manage the complexities of the topic they are presenting?

A few errors are bound to happen. Hey, we're all only human! It's hard to clearly proofread your writing if you've been working with it too long. Mistakes are easily missed. Broken links are also out of the control of the web site creators. But if the web site has too many errors, you've got to wonder why the creators aren't fixing them.

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