Getting Content from SMEs

Working from existing documentation

Now that you know some of the issues that may arise with obtaining technical content, what are a few methods that you can use to help get the information flowing? First, you should take a look at existing documentation.

Usually products go through many revisions, whether software or hardware. Customers get hooked on the product and want to continually buy updates to the product to make their own work more productive or easier. Often a new writer trying to create documentation for a development group can do a little research on the company web site, or talk to folks in marketing or training, and locate previous versions of the documentation. Once that is discovered, it's a matter of learning what is the difference between the earlier version and the current version of the product, and documenting the differences between the two.

Talking to SMEs is a good idea at this point. Show them that you already know about the earlier version of the product and that you would like some explanation about the new features. Be prepared to drink from the fire hose of knowledge, as the SME quickly blasts off facts about the new features. You may have no idea what he is talking about. Try to bring a mini-cassette recorder if possible and tape the article. It may make more sense to you later. Ask your SME if any of the information they are giving you is already documented, such as in design or marketing specifications. You may get lucky and find that something has already been written.

After you have some idea of the new features, take the previous version of the document and flag where the description, article, or technical details of the new features should go. Bring this marked-up version of the document back to your SME and see if they can help you further with more of the details. You should be able to convince them that they are not helping you rewrite the whole document, but rather just helping you tweak it where needed. They should feel like you've done your homework and you aren't dumping your project on him.


Hokum Writing