How to Write a White Paper

by Michael Knowles

A white paper in the high-tech industry is a technical document that describes how a technology or product solves a particular problem. It's a marketing document and a technical document, yet it doesn't go too far in either direction. A good white paper is informative and is designed to show off the advantages of a product or technology. This article provides some tips for creating a white paper. It covers the following topics:

What is a White Paper?

White papers are perhaps the most challenging type of technical document to write. They require a deep understanding both of a product's technology and of its application in solving a technical business problem. White papers are tuned specifically to:

One white paper author suggests thinking of your audience as investors, and that's not a bad way to approach writing the paper. An informal tone is best; use acronyms and abbreviations sparingly. Use plain English, no matter how much someone insists on using more technical language. The objective is to educate, inform, and convince, not to geekspeak or marketspeak the reader to death. That's not to say that the white paper isn't slanted -- it is, in the end, an opinion piece. But it also provides real information that the reader can use.

Remember the old training aphorism:


Here's a fairly standard outline for a technical white paper:

Wrap Up

There are many good examples of white papers available on the Internet. Do a search on the phrase "white paper" and read a few. Compare how they handle their subjects. By and large, the most useful white papers offer information at the same that they attempt to convince you of their product's worth. There is also an excellent article on writing white papers by Warthman Associates at It takes a few attempts to get the feel for writing a good white paper, but once you have it, you'll have acquired one of the most marketable technical writing skills in the business.

This article was provided by Michael Knowles and was originally published on his WriteThinking web site. Michael has many other articles on his site, so if you like this one head on over to his site and see what he has to offer.

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