RGB and Hexadecimal Color Values

The following table displays common RGB color values, the corresponding hexadecimal values used for web pages and a color chit displaying the color. Colors with bold names belong to the group of 16 predefined colors. You can use the names of these colors in place of their hexadecimal color values when you are writing HTML. This list does not show all possible colors.

Color R G B hexadecimal Color
Alice Blue 240 248 255 #F0F8FF


Alizarin Crimson 227 38 54 #E32636


Antique White 250 235 215 #FAEBD7


Aquamarine 127 255 212 #7FFFD4


Azure 240 255 255 #F0FFFF


Beige 163 148 128 #A39480


Bisque 255 228 196 #FFE4C4


Black 0 0 0 #000000


Blue 0 0 255 #0000FF


Blue Violet 138 43 226 #8A2BE2


Brick 128 42 42 #802A2A


Brown 165 42 42 #A52A2A


Burnt Umber 138 51 36 #8A3324


Cadmium Red 227 23 13 #E3170D


Cerulean Blue 5 184 204 #05B8CC


Chartreuse 127 255 0 #7FFF00


Cobalt Blue 61 89 171 #3D59AB


Copper 217 135 25 #D98719


Coral 255 127 80 #FF7F50


Crimson 220 20 60 #DC143C


Cyan 0 255 255 #00FFFF


Emerald 0 201 87 #00C957


Firebrick 178 34 34 #B22222


Forest Green 34 139 34 #228B22


Fuchsia 255 0 255 #FF00FF


Gold 255 215 0 #FFD700


Goldenrod 218 165 32 #DAA520


Gray 128 128 128 #808080


Gray (light) 211 211 211 #D3D3D3


Gray (slate) 112 128 144 #708090


Green 0 128 0 #00FF00


Hot Pink 255 105 180 #FF69B4


Indian Red 205 92 92 #CD5C5C


Indigo 8 46 84 #082E54


Ivory 255 255 240 #FFFFF0


Khaki 240 230 140 #F0E68C


Lavender 230 230 250 #E6E6FA


Lime 0 255 0 #00FF00


Magenta 255 0 255 #FF00FF


Maroon 128 0 0 #800000


Mint 189 252 201 #BDFCC9


Navy 0 0 128 #000080


Olive 128 128 0 #808000


Olive Drab 107 142 35 #6B8E23


Orange 255 165 0 #FFA500


Orange (dark)
255 140 0 #FF8C00


Orchid 218 112 214 #DA70D6


Pink 255 192 203 #FFC0CB


Plum 221 160 221 #DDA0DD


Purple 128 128 128 #800080


Raspberry 135 38 87 #872657


Red 255 0 0 #FF0000


Rose 227 54 56 #E33638


Royal Blue 65 105 225 #4169E1


Salmon 250 128 114 #FA8072


Sea Green 60 179 113 #3CB371


Sepia 94 38 18 #5E2612


Sienna 160 82 45 #A0522D


Silver 192 192 192 #C0C0C0


Sky Blue 135 206 235 #87CEEB


Steel Blue 70 130 180 #4682B4


Tan 210 180 140 #D2B48C


Teal 0 128 128 #008080


Turquoise 64 224 208 #40E0D0


Violet 143 94 153 #8F5E99


Yellow 255 255 0 #FFFF00


White 255 255 255 #FFFFFF


Hokum Reference