Founded in 1999 FreeHomepage.com was a free hosting service run by an Ukranian American Sergei Geler of San Francisco. The hosting provider boasted over 100,000 users prior to being shuttered in 2015.
Today FreeHomepage.com is being transformed into an independent review site for all things related to hosting and is run by me, Tony Spencer previously of San Francisco and now residing in Raleigh, NC.
I’ve been hosting websites since my first fan site for The Veldt back in 1996 and my first web database project the same year. I’ve hosted on a wide range of hosting providers from free hosting all the way up to full racks in data centers (I’m currently extremely happy with Dacentec for rack space).
I hold a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from NCSU, I maintain a few dozen sites daily primarily for a combo of ecommerce, domain speculating, and lead generation.
I host mostly static sites, PHP, and a bit of Ruby on Rails.
I’ve been known to be bribed away from the keyboard by the promise of mint chocolate chip ice cream.
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