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Photo: M.S- PURNYA PRAVA NAYAK I am Purnya Prava & My Nick name is Rinku .I play at 2nd Base .I play for Both C.S.A(SENIOR) & C.S.A(JUNIOR).I never had any contest with any 1 in Orissa in that position cause we got the strong team all over .Well I have played more then 4 Nationals. Here are the Nationals that I have played : SUB-JUNIOR NATIONAL GHAGIABAD(U.P),JUNIOR NATIONAL NOIDA(U.P),JUNIOR NATIONAL UTJAINI(M.P),SUB-JUNIOR NATIONAL BHIWADI(RAJASTHAN).Actually I have seen lots of Nationals but I never thing that The nationals in India is different then the nationals Abroad .It is really difficult to be a National or state league player .I am really proud of my team(C.S.A).Thank you for visiting our page .Hope you will enjoy visiting us .See u Later .Bye bye .

C.S.A is launching it's another new Sub-Junior Team very soonly .The New Sub-Junior team will be launching on this Statemeet 2002.

I am Pinku .I play at R.F.I play for C.S.A(JUNIOR).It is really cool playing at out field .I always tried my lable best to catch the ball and through it directly to the Bases .I always try to be a good Out fielder .These days I am makking my efforts for the Statemeet .Which is going to be held after a very long time .I proud of my team and also i do proud about my team mates .We got a strong team all over and we are always ready for any kinda challange .Enjoy visiting us .Take care . I am wishing you all a cool Summer . Photo: M.R-PINKU


Photo: M.R- CHITTARANJAN SAHOO I am Chitta & My nick name is Pintu .I play at L.F. It is a cool nice and hard position to play on .I am prepairing for the Statemeet this time with my mates .Our Sub-Junior Team is going to attend the Sub-Junior National at Hydrabad(A.P).I am not going on that team but I am confident that this time our players will get a cool position .Best of Luck to all of them and May god Bless them. What else I can say in this mighty Summer .Enjoy the cool thrill of Sun ......Lol .........Thank you for visiting us .