
Modifying Paragraph Tags

You can change any aspect of text formatting through FrameMaker's paragraph tags, such as.modify basic paragraph formats, modify the fonts used in the paragraph, control pagination, create complex numbering schemes, adjust frame positioning and format table cell contents. You use FrameMaker's Paragraph Designer to do all of this.

To modify paragraph tags:

  1. Select Format > Paragraphs > Designer... from the menu bar.

    The Paragraph Designer appears. The designer lists every aspect of paragraph formatting that you can change in FrameMaker on six tabs. Each tab controls different aspects of formatting. You do not have to place the cursor on a paragraph that uses the tag you want to change in order to modify it.

  2. Select the tag you want to modify from the Paragraph Tag drop down list.

    The Paragraph Designer displays all the formatting for the selected tag.

  3. Use each of the five tabs in the designer to modify the paragraph style as needed.
  4. Click Update All.

    FrameMaker updates the paragraph tag, changing formatting throughout your entire document.

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for each tag you want to modify.

Click here for instructions on creating new paragraph tags.

Click here for instructions on deleting an existing paragraph tag.

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