DTD Symbols

The following is a list of symbols used in a DTD content model. The content model identifies the child elements that can appear in a parent element, the order in which they appear and the frequency in which they appear.

Symbol Description Example
| Either element must appear. (Element A or element B must appear) <!ELEMENT BOB (A | B)>
, Requires the elements to appear in the listed order. (Element A must appear followed by element B) <!ELEMENT BOB (A, B)>
? Element is optional. If the element is used, it can only appear once. (Element A may appear once or not at all) <!ELEMENT BOB (A?)>
* Element may appear zero or more times. (Element A may appear zero or more times) <!ELEMENT BOB (A*)>
+ Element must appear at least once. It may also appear multiple times. (Element A must appear at least one or more times) <!ELEMENT BOB (A+)>
( ) Groups nested elements. <!ELEMENT BOB ((A, B) | C)>
no symbol One and only one element must appear. (Element A must appear only one time) <!ELEMENT BOB (A)>

Hokum Reference